Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's time for another random post =D *Weeeeeehhhh*

Comment or my friend will get you!ò.ó
The one or two people who occasionally have a look at this might wonder why I insist on posting here. Well, I feel like doing it, and then I do it, mystery solved!XD

Well, another very boring week as a whole. If I sleep any more I'll probably be mistaken for a bear @_@ My days have been basically 12 hours watching animes, 2 hours between eating and bathing and 10 hours sleeping. The only good thing is that I actually came across some really good animes =D There was the average Arakawa Under The Bridge, but Durara!! and Katanagatari were something else! I'll be posting some more reviews in the near future.

I also watched A Single Man (with Colin Firth), a very sad movie, but very beautiful. I definitely recommend it! Maybe I should consider writing some movie reviews... Another pleasant surprise was the Lovage concert I was able to download from Zomb Torrents! Even though it was recorded by a fan and the audio is not very good, it was enough to make me feel extremely jealous for not being able to be there! Lovage definitely needs to do another album!ò.ó

My The Big 4 DVD and my Rock In Rio card have finally arrived!! =DDDDDD They were supposed to have arrived on Christmas ¬¬ But the important thing is that they're finally here! Can't wait to see Metallica, Sepultura and Motorhead live!

Well, that's enough rambling for today!;D
As for the music of the week, to celebrate the arrival of my two late Christmas gifts, Metallica it shall be!;D


Chris said...

Se fosse em portugues eu acharia de cara...ú.ú