Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Random Blabbering...XP

Ah well, I'm not quite used to writing random things without a preparation but today I thought "Heck, I'm gonna give it a try!XD"

It's been a rather busy week, considering the last 2 months (I did barely nothing at all in these past 2 months, except for reaching whole new levels of boredom, watching animes and reading books). There are still so many things to do that I already feel lazy again...XD Hate Brazil and its stupid bureaucracy and huge lines to do anything from the bakery to the bank @_@
The year has just started and I feel like it's dragging on sooo slowly (probably cuz I've been doing nothing for 7 months, but that's just a minor detail...XP) I wanna my Psychology course to start at once!
Ah I've also decided to start an Italian course!=D All thanks to Assassin's Creed 2!XD I fell madly in love with Italy after playing it! And the sound of Italian is so beautiful!*o* I'm hoping to be able to get an Italian citizenship since my great grandparents were from there =D And who knows, maybe spend a year or so there!
Another thing I've been head over heels with is Elysian Fields! If I get married one day I so wanna them to play on my marriage!XD It'd be perfect!@_@ A full-moon-night, at a beach, half-lit tents dancing to the sound of Passing On The Stairs...*o* Okay, I know I'm sounding like a girl, but that's one of the first images that comes to my mind when I'm quietly listening to them...XD
Thus, for song of the week (Yes, I'll try changing the blog's song every week!) I'll choose Passing On The Stairs from Elysian Fields!=D

To end this random post, a random image

Run and tell everybody to visit my blog, homeboy!XD